Research in the Heidar Yaghma's poems

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


In all Centuries of Persian poem, there are some poets which do not have much literacy but they have a great rhythmic nature. They have been named in biography. In this article, we study about one of this contemporary poets ‘Heidar Yaghma’.
This essay study about Yaghma`s poem in three branches. First: literary features Of Yaghma`s poem; in This Topic we mention innovation of poet in rhetoric. Then we research about Yaghma`s various themes and some of eminent human thought is one of his themes .Many of that themes he selected for religion poem are new and creative. Other themes are about pains and affliction of hard working people in society and because he was one of them, he can reflect it very well, and in continue, we study about communication between Yaghma`s poem and the other great poems of Iran. Second: content features; the Poet always tell about not to concern to the world and about instability of this world .In some poems he talks about authority of humans. Third: Yaghma`s imagery and sentimentalist; he Hide the bitterness of his painful life within the thin imaginary which lead us to literary delight.


Main Subjects

1-  قرآن کریم، 1393، ترجمۀ امید مجد، تهران، امید مجد
2-  حافظ شیرازی (1378)، دیوان غزلیات حافظ، به اهتمام محمد قزوینی، قاسم غنی، تهران، راهیان سبز
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4-  رازی، امین‌احمد (1340)، هفت اقلیم، به کوشش جواد فاضل، تهران‌، کتابفروشی علی‌اکبر علمی
5-  سعدی شیرازی (1377)،‌ گلستان، تصحیح و توضیح غلامحسین یوسفی،‌ تهران، خوارزمی
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8-  فتوحی، محمود (1385)، نقد ادبی در سبک هندی، تهران، سخن
9-  گلبن کازرونی، محمدکاظم (1392)، گلشن اسرار، تصحیح و تحقیق عبدالرسول فروتن و مهدی حیدری، قم، مجمع ذخائر اسلامی
10-  محبوبی اردکانی، حسین (1374)، چهل سال تاریخ ایران، به تحقیق ایرج افشار، چاپ دوم، تهران، اساطیر.
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