English] Image role in the interpretation of the text

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


Combinations of words and images to make the link with art and music and language, the poet's mind in the world of poetry exhibit. Analysis of the images created by each of the poets, determines the kind of attitude they have towards the surrounding. The role of expressive arts and literary schemes and imagery in order to create these images, it is undeniable and important. Described, including original art infrastructure industries rhetorical eloquence that is more like a metaphor, drawn from the imaginative mind of its creator, has recently developed a range of simple and will take repeat.
In this paper, we want to put the axis at sub categories to describe and explain the role of image interpretation, of Persian poetry and show what a picture, although repetitive, makes eminent The Phantom of the poet for it, what is the image of the superstructure and the substructure. The frequency and Multiplicity of meaning like it, because it'll be faced with multiple interpretations and meanings of images are downloaded. So the hermeneutic stance in poetry, commentary and interpretation of the same text in literature, when we face in an image with some semantic aspect. Not at all like the simile and metaphor and symbol of duality in the sense of different angles given that some space is different from other cases dealing with an image, will a multi interpretations follow.


Main Subjects

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