Morphological Study of Iranian Folktales Considering Woman's Role an Azeri Folktales

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


In 1920 Vladimir Prop published the theory of morphology by which he helped the tale researchers around the world. This theory offered practical and scientific ways for researchers to study folktales. In this way, the researchers studying folktales find specific patterns that are the same in all tales. These patterns show how organized are the folktales. Each tale consists of parts such as characters, the way they enter the tale and their practice. This organization is repeated in all the tales. But the remarkable point is how the narrator uses the real world’s elements this organized, telling these stories. For instance there is a hero in all tales, but the point that who the hero is and what he or she does depends on the look of the narrator and the society to which he or she belongs.
The aim of this article is to study tales in a morphological manner. The tales that are chosen to be studied for this article were told in 4 different counties of Iran including Eastern Azerbaijan, Western Azerbaijan Ardebil and Zandjan. One hundred tales were chosen randomly. Studying the structure of folktales and the way women are illustrated in these tales, patterns will be found that can be used to find out the role of them in the society.


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