A comparative study of the concept of " based on the conceptual metaphor theory in terms of Persian and Ukrainan languages

Document Type : Applied Research


This paper examines the properties reflect the " heart " on the theory of conceptual metaphor in language, Farsi and Ukrainian linguistic evidence using this approach, for the first time was introduced in 1980 by George Lakov and Mark Johnson has been studied . Based on the analysis of conceptual metaphor with the word " heart " and is available in two languages, the similarities and differences in the heart of Persian culture and Ukraine were diagnosed .This paper examines the properties reflect the " heart " on the theory of conceptual metaphor in language, Farsi and Ukrainian linguistic evidence using this approach, for the first time was introduced in 1980 by George Lakov and Mark Johnson has been studied . Based on the analysis of conceptual metaphor with the word " heart " and is available in two languages, the similarities and differences in the heart of Persian culture and Ukraine were diagnosed.


Main Subjects

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