A Study about Saghi Name, Khamriat and Dithy ramb

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical




Saghiname is a kind of poem which poet describes his idea by using wine concepts. Many poets have noticed to this kind of literature.
In this research, this kind of poem is studied from different dimensions and tried to present a general view of it from start point until today. Since concepts of wine and saghi have a direct connection with Saghiname, these concepts are studied too and finally, conclude that there is differences between Khamriat and Saghiname and their features are shown. also, we study similar poems in some other country.
Some poems are in the west literature those similar to saghi name and are called: Dithy ramb. Some poets have noticed to this kind of poem. These poets are called: anacreonic poets. We have tried to bring some of these verse here and introduce the origin of these poems in the west literature

Keywords: Wine, Saghi, Saghiname, Khamriat, Dithy ramb


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