The Effect of Sultan Literature on the Beloved Description in the Lyric Literature of Iraqi Style (relying on Hafiz’s Ghazal)

Document Type : Applied Research



The subject of this study is the Effect of Sultan Literature on the Beloved’ Work in the Lyric Literature of Iraqi Style, relying on Hafiz’s Ghazal. Over the years the king’s speech and behavior were a behavioral pattern for many people. In Iraqi style, the poets replaced their earth beloved to the king, because of the reduction of their kings’ acceptability. In order to describe an admirable glory for her, they exalted him and represent him as a high ideal being in their dream, and by royal praise. The king’s work, the army and court customs inspired them to praise the beloved and pictured her as a king that the court custom was done for her. Based on it, her each body organs was described as each war tools. The poets used them for the beloved in a new way and by the semantic changes. By this, the violence and ugliness of that were vanished. Now it was fit with the beloved’s gentle mood, and became the speech and the behavior that the lover was waiting for that impatiently.


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