Rhymying Prose Characters in Mystical and Literary Works

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


This article explains the importance of using quality-based rhyme structure and spirit of the mystical works of Persian literature. Given that rhyme for the language (Arabic) and not mix (Persian) to the attention of writers and their success in rhyme fundamental rules of Arabic origin, it is also noted. Persian rhyming prose based on the characteristics of Iranian authors found that the apparent differences between the Arabic and nose. Kanzolsalkyn and Kshfalasrar with the mystical works of literature Hamidi Maghamat and following Hamidi Maghamat will be examined below, the authors used the method of the rhyme and the balance will be explained based on the content of their thoughts. So the first part of the rhyming prose examples cited in the Gnostic texts, the study described in the second part, we give examples of literary style and rhythmic prose in the literary works to Know Better them.
Keywords: Rhyming Prose, Balance, Kanzolsalkyn, Kshfalasrar, Hamidi Maghamat.


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