A Comparative Study of Simon de Buvar’s,Virginia Woolf’s and Simin Daneshvar’s Views on Story Work

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



Comparative literature is an area of literary research in which the works of two or more than two writers from different languages and nationalities are compared with one another.In this study, the story works by three writers: ‘Virginia Woolf’, ‘Simon de Buvar’ and ‘Simin Daneshvar’ have been investigated from the feministic literature and the schools of thought points of view that affected their thinking. The survey and analysis of their works indicated that the sharing point between feministic literature and the schools of thought lies in the attempt to revive women’s rights and to introduce their innocence as well as their identity and position in a patriarchal (man-ruled) system regarding the sort of approach to human and life. Simin Daneshvar, adopting an Iranian-Islamic thought under the shade of religious-ethical values, considers identical rights to men and women; Daneshvar respects both male’s and female’s place/position and believes that woman goes to perfection beside man; however, Simon de Buvar, adopting a secularistic (existentialistic) view, believes that women’s natural characteristics such as family, marriage, and motherhood are, in fact, obstacles to their progression. Finally, Virginia Woolf recommends that women gain economic independence and try to have alike benefits (advantages) with men.


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