comparative study of moral development from point of kolberg in ghaboosnameh

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


In this paper and stady analytical - descriptive method, Kohlberg`s stages of moral development theory have perspective have reviewed. and then these views have been implemented by Qabus nama. lawrence Kohlberg suggests these stages in three level of the six stages. These include: the level of the PreLcontract, the contract, the Post L contract. The purpose of this comparison is the awareness of the differences and similaritities between the views of these two thinkers.Theresults obtained from this implementation shows that Keikavus Qabus nama is a source of moral growth and in addition to having Kohlberg stages with further steps which arises from religin. Unlike Kohlberg, he doesn`t draw only a variety of stages of moral order. Also on Kohlbergs theory , reaching beyond conventional levels in adults is almost impossible. But in Keikavus view , it is possible to reach this stage based on the laws of God and religin.


Main Subjects

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