“Eiham Tanasob” and its functions in the lyrics of Salman Savoji

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



“Eiham” and especially “Eiham Tanasob” have an important role in enhancing the quality of the poems. Salman Savoji used Eiham to create artistic ambiguity, solidarity, and internal music. The purpose of this article is to study Eiham and its functions in the poems of Salman Savoji. “Eiham Tanasob” is the most dominated characteristic in Salaman`s poetic style and is used to create artistic ambiguity, rhythm of poem, enhancement of meaning, expanding the language, artistic decorating, and solidarity. In Salman`s poems, Eiham is used in a way that we can understand both the close and the far meaning of the words or it is very difficult to choose one of the meanings which results in an artistic ambiguity. He also enhanced the rhythm of his poems by contrast and symmetry which are the results of “Eiham Tanasob”. The relation that is made between the words of the poem by “Eiham Tanasob” results in a great solidarity. “Eiham Tanasob” along with other kinds of rhetoric and other forms of imagery used in his poems cause to distinguish his poetry language from prose, enhance the capacity of his poetry language to motivate the feelings of the readers, and according to the cooperation of the readers in creating the meaning the reader becomes an active one and results in artistic satisfaction.


Main Subjects

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