Speech of women in Garshaspnameh basing Searle' s theory

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Speech act in feminine talks Garshaspnameh Including discussions of speech act has created new horizons in analysis and literary criticism. In this article, female talks have been investigated based on classification of speech acts John Searle in Garshaspnameh. According to figures of speech acts in this book, Grshasbnamh can be considered in its special speech.
To investigate the effect of speech acts can be non-judgmental, general and sweeping generalizations, as a result of the documentary on the social level, according to the speech act also found in ancient texts and implicitly from another angle, provided a model for the study of the genre. The Conversations are classified based on social class of the speaker in three groups. These groups include women speakers to the social level, superior-subordinate and subordinate to a superior. In addition, speech acts, are investigated according to speakers at the social classes. Results show that the highest levels of social discourses among women with women and women with men. Announcers in the top three, equal and below are sorted. The findings show that most of the discussions at the level of socio-formed Garshaspnameh. Speech acts statements, Representative, co missive, directive and expressive act had used among women’s statements. The absence of such an act of speech, indicates that were not significant the social role of women in society.


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