The sweetheart covering in saadi ghazaliyat

Document Type : Applied Research


1 Shahrekord university

2 Associate Professor of in Persian Language and Literature University of Shahrekord


Literature is even though language result but is influence of society situations. Literary works express environment conditions that had borne in it. With investigation and studying of these literary could reach to the conditions which is governed on time and place in which are created.
Sweetheart in Persian Ghazal dignity. The poet enjoys the sweetheart described as common in other descriptions of images and the characterization of causes that the court did not find a clear picture of the morphological characteristics of the sweetheart poets.
In this article examined, the type of lover and therefore his sex lyric Saadi, Saadi of the images used in the description of coverage and type of clothing lover that seen in other poems and poets. Saadi's references small and general the issues raised by the lyric Saadi can only be obtain an overall picture of the dress lover. The image is see in the other court poets also. No mention of Saadi to details such as the color and type of clothing.


Main Subjects

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