Word Combination and Its Artistic Roles in Gheisar Aminpour’s Poetry

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


Word combination is one of the most significant fields in which poets make new experiments to refresh their language and rekindle their creativity. This article aims to discuss Gheisar Aminpour’s word combinations and their artistic functions in his poetry, using an inductive method in analyzing the types of combinations, their method of creation and their artistic roles. Aminpour creates artistic ambiguity and deep, striking meanings by linking words from distant and antithetical semantic fields. What makes his poetic language so prominent is his innovations in the syntagmatic axis of the texts by the help of word combinations, and also performing novel behaviors with grammatical categories in the combinations and the employment of popular expressions. Another artistic function of word combinations in Aminpour’s poetry is creating music, which is achieved by the help of phonetic proportioning and repeating of the words in the combinations. By compressing the images, he presents them as metaphors and similes and creates artistic combinations with high aesthetic values. Language expansion and semantic deviation are other functions of word combinations in his poetry, which lead to the creation of new combinations and loading new meanings on the participant words.


Main Subjects

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