Phoenix: Persian Poetry; Symbolic Function of “Phoenix” in Nima's Poetry

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Reading of literature, especially poetry, without knowledge of symbols, myths and historical-social events is not possible. One of the most important reasons for the ambiguity and complexity of contemporary poetry is myth utilization. The myths reflect the culture, idea and the early people comprehension in order to justify what they could not bring reasonable causes. Of course, myth not only related to ancient world and early human, but also effects on beliefs and lives of today’s people. Myth-making never stop and it continue forever. One of the places that myth and myth-making is manifested in is in art and especially literature. Phoenix is a mental myth that has formed by early humans’ perception and there is among various cultures and tribes with different names and similar attributes. In contemporary Persian literature accorded to this myth and poets with their different perceptions of Phoenix, have used it as symbolic. "Nima Yooshij" is one of poets that Phoenix has a special place in his poems. In "Nima's poetry", phoenix used as private symbol and this is "Persian poetry".


Main Subjects

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