Poly semic(Ambiguity) InThe Sonnets of Foroughi Bastami

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


University of Sistan and Baluchestan


Poly semic( Ambiguity) is one of the most important features of poetic language. It is thought that This figure of speech is kind of semantic norms which is created in proximity and companion. Base that is based on combination and it binds speech to ambiguity which is of important elements of litrary language. Foroughi Bastami is one of the most outstanding and capable poets of the Qajar era and thirteenth century. He is the master of his contemporaries.Love, mystrisim, and praise are the basic topics of Bastami's sonnets. His romantic themes are taken from Saadi and mystical themes from Hafez, and many of his lyrics are imitated from them. His poems are plain, comprehensive and free from ambiguity and complexity. Ambiguity kind’of this figures of thought and one of semantic norms of litrary language, This matter led consider ambiguity, and then to appear the ability and art of poet in this field. the applied method in this analytic-discreptive article, is based on the data, in this way first three comperhensive defenitions were showed kind’s pun, and then accurate drawing of frequency pun, kind’s and analysis of them.Results of this study indicate Preportional ambiguity with frequency of 33/7 is the most frequent figure and blame like praise with frequency of zero is the least frequent one, and foroghi has special effort to this nice trick


Main Subjects

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Dr.Maryam.Khalili Jahantigh
Professor of Persian Language and Literature Dept, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
AssociateProfessor of Persian Language and Literature Dept, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Master of Persian Language and Literature Dept, University of Sistan and Baluchestan