Deconstruction and unbounding in the poems of Hafiz

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical



Hafiz is a poet of perfectionism, and his existence does not bear the limitations of words, concepts, images and the structure of poetry. Therefore, it seems quite natural that he seeks to establish a suitable ground which can take the infinite flow of his grand thoughts from his inner world. The research question is: "What relations are there among the elements of the Hafiz poetry structure? And how do these relations contribute to this structure?"
By deconstructing the framework of poetry and sonnet-production, and by breaking the conventionally inevitable rule that all versicles of a sonnet must have a relation and dependence on each other, Hafiz has unbounded the environment of his Divan and developed the structure of each versicle. In designing the new framework, Hafiz managed to create an unlimited relation between the general structure of his Divan and each tiny detail in a sonnet (versicle, hemistich, word) through building bonds between internal elements of his poems.
In this paper, we have studied the relations among sonnets and versicles, and analyzed the different kinds of connections between the two hemistiches of a versicle which contribute to the development of its structure. Connections such as: "cause and effect", action and reaction" as well as "defect and compensation" or "the collectivity of paradoxes" etc.


Main Subjects

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