Hermeneutic Analysis of the Story of Joseph’s Guest in Mowlavi’s Masnavi

Document Type : Applied Research


Analyzing literary works from various perspectives can shed lights upon the different aspects of the structural, technical and semantic merits of every piece in a systematic method based on scientific methods. Hermeneutic studies have now become one of the illuminating methods for the discovery of hidden dimensions in the meaning of literary texts. Such studies seek to get the meaning through the recognition of the intention of the author regarding the temporal, local and historical context in which the text is formed. The present paper studies a specimen of secretive and symbolic texts in Persian literature i.e. the story of Joseph’s Guest in Mowlavi’s Masnavi. Within this framework, the study seeks to discover the author’s intention in choosing the elements in the story. Like other poems in Msnavi Ma’navi, this story contains hidden layers and symbolic usage of different concepts as well as overt and covert hints to Mowlavi’s ideas about the world and man. The paper tries to extract some of these concepts. To this end, it considers the elements of the story while comparing Mowlana’s ideas with those of Plato and presents a symbolic interpretation of the story based on the philosophical hermeneutics. The study indicates that the use of some words and concepts such as afagh (horizons) in Mowlavi’s poetry can be indicative of this Platonic attitude in Mowlavi and a hint to the journey of wayfarer. Also, the keyword ayenh (mirror) which reflects only a shadow of truth could have been used with the same intention.


Main Subjects

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