Analysis of the aesthetic use of metaphor in poetry of Nasime Shomal

Document Type : Applied Research



Syed Ashraf aldin-Gilani known as the Nasim Shomal, is poets that poetry and poetry ‎in his mission to portray social problems and political themes. Despite repression and ‎tyranny of authoritarian Qajar ruler, His human thoughts and ideas of freedom with ‎humor and irony, using rhetorical techniques, in particular metaphor, to hear experts ‎deliver community. Irony is one of the most beautiful and the most accurate speech ‎and artistic modes louder than truth because in irony mind the requirements to be ‎transferred. The present study is based on descriptive - analytical, tried to analyzed the ‎aesthetic irony in the lyrics poems of Nasim Shomal. ‎
The results show that Ashraf Aldin like other poets of this land for their stated purpose, ‎his poetry has been decorated with figures of speech. For political reasons and the ‎repression of the Nasime Shomal on his time, and sometimes because of the beauty of ‎speech and more effective use of the metaphor figure of speech. The irony of today's ‎high frequency Court because of the slang and market. Purpose of the most of these ‎allusions, King and de facto aristocracy and the clergy noblesse West has appeared ‎and imitators.‎


Main Subjects

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