Analyzing elements of story of "The devil and miss prym" by Paulo Coelho

Document Type : Applied Research




A story, is a piece of life events (real or imaginary) settled in time and space rope deliberately. The author's focused mind has liberated reports on such events in the cage of the author's fancy thought, which have been from wandering within infinite entity in order to share their narration with readers, which is the author's art. In literature, story is manifestation of those author's creativity who is welcomed by readers in creating new narrative works. Paulo Coelho amongst these contemporary author's. To analyze element of stories structuralisticly make study of thoughts dominating such works possible. And this possibility takes us through spirals of author's minds. "The devil and miss prym" is told in relation to the conflicts between forces of nobility and filth, how characters treat the subject of power, and the selectivity. This paper with descriptive-analytical method relates to structural analysis, trying to analyze and describe elements constituting the story.


Main Subjects

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