Artistic dealing of Rumi with preposition in Masnavi Manavi

Document Type : Applied Research



formalism theory is one of the literary criticism flows that was emerged in Moscow during the first decade of the twentieth century. Proponents of this theory paid attention to patterns related to form and shape of literary text. Formalists believe that the literalness of text is resulted from familiarization. Applying this tricks delays and develops the meaning of text and as a result the exploitation of reader.  In this regard, due to the specific attitude of Rumi and unique experiences of him when writing Masnavi, has used different morphological and syntactic applications and by disrupting grammatical rules created natural birth of poem and prominence of his poetic language. This paper tries to specify the effect of these tricks on audience by studying and analyzing the application methods of proposition in Masnavi.
Rumi place in Persian literature, the necessity of studying about him and the lack of other studies in this regard specifies the significance of study. The results of study show that Rumi with unusual applications of preposition in different morphological and syntactic levels has provided the Prominence of language and the dual impact of Masnavi on audience.


Main Subjects

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