Characterization in Hooshang Golshiri’s Short Story of «Wolf«

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


University of Sistan and Baluchistan


Like other phenomena in the world of art, the concept of character in literary works has always experienced change and evolution, with the passage of time and through the meanders of the human life, in such a way that in terms of social circumstances, and human’s scientific and spiritual development, its meaning in literary works has promoted little by little from its primitive state to a more complicated and developed level. With the commencement of the flow of “modern novel”, when the writers’ tendency turned towards the mental and psychological problems of the heroes of the stories, the element of character and the way of processing it drew the attention of the writers more than before. Following the acquaintance of the Iranian story writers with the published works of the western writers, tendencies towards the flow of writing psychological novels increased in Iran, as well. One of the writers who stepped into this ground is “Hooshang Golshiri” who discovered new possibilities in story writing. He made a fundamental change in his literary policy, and became one of the writers of the modern story whose stories are mostly based on the character revelation. Using the descriptive-analysis approach, the present article surveys the superstructural element of character in Hooshang Golshiri’s short story of “Wolf”


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