Morphology of Hans Christian Anderson’s Story of «Fellow- traveller«

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


University of Sistan and Baluchistan


Story telling is a universal art which humans have utilized to entertain and to teach the way of living to mankind. The emergence date of the folk tales is not properly clear, however, the antiquity of the folk tales is as long as the history itself, and it is due to this very antiquity as well as their originality that they have survived ups and downs of the history. The fundamental thought in morphology is the description of the story on the basis of its components, as well as the explanation of the relationship and coherence among these constructions. The structure and shape based on which folk tales are formed follows thirty one principles and functions. The present research aims at investigating the morphology of the story of “Fellow- traveller”, written by Hans Christian Anderson, representing the function principles governing the story, and finding the most important and most essential element of shaping it. It seems that in this story, the “helper” element and the “wicked” element, respectively, play a more prominent part than the other elements. The method used in this research is Vladimir Propp’s morphology approach.


Main Subjects

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