Looking at the Poetic Style of, Azerbaijani Poets of Qajariye Epoch through Bahjatoshoara Biographer(Tazkerah)

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Tehran University


In viewpoint of poetic stylistics, the poetry of Qajariye epoch is named the poetry of the Return Period. These appellations were useful in the onset of stylistics, but although the poems of each epoch have common features on which it has been named, we cannot attribute the same fixed specifications to the poems of all poets living in that period or to all the poems of the relevant regions. To remove this defect, it is necessary to investigate the individual and periodic styles of each region or time separately. In this research it attempt has been to consider the features the poem in that region's in the Qajariye epoch, considering and introducing a non-printed a manuscript named Bahjatoshoara which was written in 1294 LH allocated to the description of Azerbaijan poets. On the other hand, in addition to poem stylistics, the paper can be considered as the introduction of this manuscript.


1 نسخه خطی بهجت الشعرا باشماره ثبت 85408 کتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامی. با مشخصات­: خط نستعلیق بسیار بد و مغلوط­، کاتب حسن حسینی­، تاریخ تحریر دهم شهر صفر المظفر 1299 در طهران­، کاغذ سفید فرنگی­، جلد تیماج قهوه­ای­، هر صفحه 12 سطر­، فهرست اسامی شعر او در آخر کتاب 202 برگ­، هر برگ 14× 25 سانتیمتر نوشته دارد­.
2 تاریخ تذکره نویسی. احمد گلچین معانی.