The Aesthetics of Allegory and the Structure Analysis of Molavi’s Allegorical Literary by Philosophic Theory of Ideas Forms

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The Philosophic Theory of Ideas Universe, which existed in Zoroaster thought and “Khosrāvani” Wisdom before Plato and his theory about Ideas, has been very influential on the thoughts of Muslim philosophers and mystics such as Molavi. This theory creates a special approach in artistic aesthetics that is based on the appearance of the intelligible in the sensory and depends on descent of forms from oneness to multiplicity. This theory in  literature  forms  an  allegorical  or  symbolic  literary  structure  which gives  a  dual  theme to  the  work.  In this structure, the allegory is a virtual successor for appearance of the intelligible in the sensory form. On the basis of the two-dimensional nature of Universe, this Allegorical idealism gives a three-dimensional phenomenology of the allegory: a narrative surface structure or Simulated story, Ideal Simile (Archetypal Metaphor) and intellectual (Because a likeness in allegory) and deep structure (Meaning) or the Simulated spiritual and philosophical theme. This structure has been represented in connection between symbolism and idealism. In Rumi’s works, we can analyze the connection between Allegorical Idealism and allegorical literature of Molavi; especially in the narrative structure of his Masnavi. In this paper, we study the evolution of the Philosophic Theory of Ideas Universe and its relation with allegorical literature and Symbolism and the origins of the aesthetics of allegory (by this theory) and analyze the structure of samples of this thought and its allegorical literary form in Molavi’s Masnavi.


Main Subjects

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