Study of the Artistic Use of Verbs in the Lyrics Khalife

Document Type : Collection and review articles



For the analysis of literary texts and worthy of recognition, the pure elements more and more original part of the same work there. For the vowel, words, sentences and ways of linking these elements that convey the meaning in effect types. The use of words and how they are laid out in an effective manner, its language and alter the specific language. This study is the artistic use of verbs in the remainder of the 11th century AH wrote one hand, the Court of unknown poets of the 10th century AH, Henry called "Caliph" to determine part of the literary style of the poet's poems, review. It is derived from a verb, and never more than three or four poems seen action in every bit of the benefit of these actions show the artist in the literal and spiritual eloquence and beauty of creation. The use of the verb pair adjacent to the conflicting statements, current Syghhhay repeat, repeat the previous action and the use of combinations of verb rhetorical style of the poet's poems. The most frequent rhetorical devices can be distinguished, contrast, sequence and Homaee, homogeneity, and in some cases the permissible limit, Mshaklh, fitness and paradox named. That Myshnasand open work style.


Main Subjects

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