Metaphoric –structural analysis of Bidel Dehlavi`s epic (cognitive semantic approach)‎

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



Cognitive metaphors in transferring meaning an ‎sensualizing the abstract concepts play important ‎role in the process of human speech.To think an ‎speak , human being uses metaphors , especially ‎when he turns to profound philosophical ‎‎,religious and literary issues.These metaphors ‎seemingly introduced first by Lakof and Johnson ‎in the metophors we live by are classified in ‎different categories such as even structure, ‎orienting, identification each transferring and ‎conceptualizing some part of linguistic knowledge ‎‎.Bidel Dhlavi is one of the poets famous for the ‎complexity of language in meaning and ‎thoughtful composition.Therefore, most scholars ‎find it difficult to enter his poetic realm.There are ‎introduced some innovative and cognitive ‎vehicles such as metaphoric analysis to get right ‎into his poems. The present study analyzes the ‎metaphors existing in an epic of Dehlavi ‎expressed as `to the peak of divinity the misery is ‎paved the way with showing that it enjoys both ‎vertical and horizontal unity and this analysis can ‎be used in other works of Dehlavi.‎


Main Subjects

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