Checking Place, Types of Simile in Terms of Structure and Shape, and Contents and Theme in Parvin Etesami Divan's

Document Type : Collection and review articles


1 collegian

2 faculty


Cheking the Rhetorical Figures and How it Applies by The Poet for Understanding
Exact and Principled Poetry of Each Poet is Necessary, Because the Poetic Figures
are Important Parts of Making Style Which Frequency and How to use These
Figures in Poetry of Each Poet ,Make Individual and Unique Style of Poet.
Simile is one of the Most Important and Pivotal Element in the Realm of Rhetoric
and it Indicates The Breadth of Mind and Point of View of Poet. Parvin Etesami is
one of the Poets that Simile has Special Place in her Poem, and Devided into
two Categories of Compacted and Widespread .
This Paper Pays to Checking Place, Types of Simile in Terms of Structure and
Shape, and Contents and Theme in her Poem. Research Method Was Descriptive
Analysis, and the Data Have Been Checked by Content Analysis Method. and at
The end ,They Have Been Shown in the Chart.
The Result of Paper, it is Significant That Variety at the Same Simplicity and High
Frequency of Sensory Sensation Simile and Strenuous Simile Caused That Parvin
Etesami's Poems ,in Addition to Charm and Pleasant and Being Realizable and


Main Subjects

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