rewiev and analysis of human and antropology concept in the Mastoor stories

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


master of Arts in the payame noor University


assaHafez’s poems, which reflect his world of whim and mystery, has always been considered as a text to be analyzed for its complex meaning and language, and in this regard, these poems have been analyzed from many perspectives. The arch typical analysis of literature, which has attracted great attention for the past decades, such as other inter-major studies, is considered to be a subcategory of psychological analysis. This study, which attempts to research archtypical implications of the human characteristics, paves the way for further and deeper studies of the literature and depicts the global humanitarian message of poets such as Hafez. This study has tried to observe the world of Hafez’s poems through Jung’s school of psychoanalysis and the arch type perspective, and aims to analyze the reoccurring character of the ‘Old Wise Man’ in Divan-e Hafez. The comparative study of the ‘Pir-e Moghan’ character in Divan-e Hafez and Jung’s ‘Old Wise Man’ shows that these two characters are very much alike, and in fact somewhat in accordance with each other.


Main Subjects

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