Analyzing the theory of "Nazm (order)" in precedence of subject for the purpose of empowering or allocation based on Jorjani, Sakkaki and Ibn Ashur's point of view

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Language is the most important communication tool between humans for expression of their mental concepts, and every language has its eloquent method which by choice of words in the sentence structure and Income and disposal in them effects on the soul..Here the Holy Quran as a literary masterpiece is considered the best pattern of this important.So that, all of the methods used in it have been understood as the sublime sample of the rhetoric and eloquence.On the other hand, the old rhetorical analysis always has been used as a very practical tool for receiving the subjective meaning of speaker. In this research, we analyze the methods of and «precedence and delay» in combinations via using this tool in a completely practical way and with a inductive method. The research has has made Jorjani's theory as a base and compares it with Sakkaki's theories in his well-known book "Miftāh ul-uloum" and Ibn Ashur's in his Tafseer "At-tahreer Wat-Tanweer".
This style has great importance in electing the speaker's concepts. Undoubtedly, this important tool play an undeniable role in explaining the rhetorical expression miracle of the Quran. So, has provided the thoughts and concepts in a sensory way like an art panel to the audience in which there is harmony between methods and current requisites. And finally, the analysis of these methods will help the reader that in addition to understand the beauty, discover the secrets and intended meaning helps the listener to understand the differences. and similarities between the great scholar's thoughts.


Main Subjects

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