An analaysis of NIMAs poem on the basis of PROPP morphology theory

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


Structural study is one of the literary work investigation methods, that has created by Russian morphologist, Veladimir Propp’s researchings in 1928.
The aim of structural analysis in each essue is reach to a better recognition of human temper and nature and relation between these external conducts and depth of people ’s believes , religion , art and knowledge .
To know these relations a standard is needed to realize unimportant elements witch don´t have main role in events progress.
This Research making on effort to Analysis Nima’s narrative verse base on Propp Morphology theory and reveal that how much Nima’s Poems are coinciding to 31-type suggested out put of Propp and how the general structure is.
that the output in the begining of Nima’s Poem now, are coinciding with output of fairies story , but middling and ending output because of being genuine of the stories. Although they are as the same as output of considerating Propp.
However it is different from meaning comment. Finally, these stories with difference in numbers and content output placed in the same structure and they can be analysis with Propp suggested model.


Main Subjects

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