Decoding Haft Khane Rostam

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Ferdowsi is a scholar who stated great truths and learnings in his famous book Shahname; but a cover of myth covered these truthes. so, we can open the door of myth and reach to the truths, if we use discourse analysis principles and if we pay a profound attention to it's form. therefore, in this paper, by using discourse analysis and considering the words and sentences in Haft Khane Rostam, we tried to open the door of meaning and we went from the first layer meaning to the second. the second layer of meaning which we reached to by considering vocabularies and sentences according to discourse analysis principles: for reaching to perfection, we should go to the heart of problems and dangers and we should fight against our bad behaviors. we should stand in front of hardship and we should ask God's help. we should not pay to body and we should fight against self for reaching to perfection and gaining an eye in our heart, which can see truthes.


Main Subjects

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