Landuage Defamiliyarization in Molana Shamesdin Mohammad Vahshi-ye Bafghi's lyric poems

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Molina Shamsodin/ Kamaloddoin Mohammad vahshiBafghi is one of the most well-known Iranian poets who were born in Bafegh in 939 (inHejri-Ghamari calendar). He was one of the most influential poets on the 10th century Persian poem that lead to a new literary school, namely Voghu School.Defamiliarization is one of the current trends in formalist text criticism. This article aims to investigate defamiliarization of words and phrases in Vahshi's lyric poems to show his mastership in language and literature. Vahsi makes the text outstanding and defamiliar through nominalization of verbs and adjectives, topicalization of different parts of speech, finalization of different parts of speech, abstraction of sentences and phrases through deletion or combination of different parts, dialectical usages like dialectical words or proverbs in the poems, noticeable repetitions and so many other literal and lingual methods which grants Vahshi's poem a unique identification.
Key words: vahshi Bafghi , defamiliarization, formalist criticism, lyric poems.


Main Subjects

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