Adaptation and plagiarism From Anvari's Poems

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


payam nour university of mashhad


Adherence to the principles of eloquence and commitment to the moral principles in Persian literature has always been of great significance, as in most rhetorical and literary works , there can be seen some chapters under title of plagiarism .Copyright or the right of the author in modern life, is somehow a reminder of narrow criticism of great literary scholars regarding Plagiarism.
Anvari, who is one of the great men in Persian literature and had shown his talent in most poetic styles, has attracted the attention of a large number of poets. Great poets like Attar,Molavi,Saadi, Khaghani and others have repeatedly literary imitated his poems and borrowed some verses.
The poets who started saying poets after him, also did not see themselves needless of his poems and having his Divan in their hands, tried to imitate him . Sometimes they were not able to get out of his shadow on their poems. This is to the extent that sometimes they took profit of his poems in unfavorable ways.
By careful and diligent studies in this paper, we have found some poems of Anvari in Divans of some poets with very strong and documented evidences of Plagiarism in the form of Direct Plagiarism, Modified Plagiarism and surface- modified Plagiarism.
While indicating these types of Plagiarism, specifically the direct Plagiarism of one of Anvari's poems seen in the divan of RahiMoayyeri, one of contemporary poets, is introduced. Some verses Plagiarized from Anvari by SeifFarghani have also been carefully studied in this paper


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