Content and form review of Lameyi Gorganis Poetical works

Document Type : Applied Research



Lameyi Gorgani was one of the poets in Seljuk Court in Fifth century AH. The specifics of Khorasani Poetic style was visible in his poetry. The majority of these specifics regarding form and content have been mentioned in the present paper.  The main question in this research is to seek out the content and form specifics of Lameyi's poetic style and to determine the most prominent diversities and similarities between this poet and his contemporaneous fellows. In order to answer this question, in the section specified for the form of his poetry, we have mentioned the grammatical features, writing and vocabulary features of Lameyi's poetry, along with some proofs to determine the way he uses the simile technique in his poetry. And in the second section which is specified for the content of his poetry, we have mentioned the most important content features of his poetry including Allusion and the kinds of it (Quranic and non-Quranic allusions), the poet's attitude towards Zoroastrianism and the followers of Zoroastrianism, the reflection of wise words and some examples of unique and novel semantic visualizations of the poet. Reviewing the imitation and extraction from the Arab poets and adaptation of sense and content from the previous Persian poets by Lameyi are further mentioned in this section.                
Key words: Lameyi Gorgani, Poetry of Khorasani Style, Poetry of Seljuke Period, Form and Content Review.


Main Subjects

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