review to the translation of poem and difficulty the transfer of poetic images and music of poems

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



Translation is the convert of text from one  language to other language and translators have a functıon as a  cultural ambassadors. Translators by translation of scientific an literary works help for recognition of cultural and mental aspects ,life style, traditions and nature of nations and societies. any language have a special phonic, syntactical ,lexical and grammatical attributes and due to the language is a cultural product is deeply affected by culture, traditions, life style and environment. With a this translation in vast  concept is transition of one society culture to language of another society and because of the translation is very difficult affair.  Translation of poem with regard to the special aspects of literary language as difficult as other texts. In literary language words don’t merely function as a transferor of meaning but aesthetic attributes of literary language is important in beauty and influence of translation of poem from language to other language phonetic and musical attributes can not transfer. images is other parts of poem couldn't transfer in translation and in this essay debate in detail around this concept.


Main Subjects

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