Narrative Structure Analysis, criticism and reading the story "pire Changi" According to rhetorical narratology.

Document Type : Applied Research


In this paper about the story, novel, multidimensional, and its polyphonic, point of view, narratee, the narrator, the author implied, characterization, and narrative structure of the novel and its theorists such as Bakhtin, Robert Scholes, Christophe balayi, Raman Selden Peter Vydvsvn've and Pirro Zima learned. In a review of text and discourse analysis in the formation of narrative character, status changes, dialogue, setting, and other components of story and narrative ideas, Tezotan Todorov, Michael Tulane also have benefited. The story of "pire Changi" Jalaluddin Rumi on the basis of narrative structure, reviewing, criticism and interpreted. Rumi plan and plot of the story, the story implied narrative (based on Islamic documents) used and try to rebuild their symbolic thoughts and ideas, thought and mysticism situation that he was in the world, has outlined. "The old bard fighting" form the core of the story. System reliability in this novel, the narrative tension and instability in the text there is on the old bard and poet forms the core of the theory and idea.
The main purpose of research, review, cash and text interpretation "pire Changi" is based on narratology and structure of the novel. Like "Pire Changi" is a novel and narrative structure.


Main Subjects

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