Investigating the Nature and Concept of "Pain and Suffering" in Poems of Tahereh Saffarzadeh

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



"Pain and suffering" is and has always been a fundamental concept for human beings during the history. Poets and writers as the representatives of art and culture of each era were aware of this important issue and apply it in their literary works and it can be said that one reason for a literary work to be long lasted and the secret of its existence is the meticulous and profound attention of its creator to "pain and suffering" of human beings and the method of its artistic expression. Fighting against injustice, tyranny, and oppression is not confined to a particular nation or race in her poem. She praises justice, peace, and equity.
Besides more familiarity with the poetic concepts in Saffarzadeh's poems, the present research done by content analysis method, investigates the issue of pain and suffering in her poems in four domains of nature, ontology, teleology, and deontology. Considering that Saffarzadeh is a social and Mission orbit poet, the results show that her combative mentality against oppression inspires her to react against the pains of human beings and feel sympathy for all those who are suffering from these pains. Therefore the pain and suffering mentioned in her poems can be socially investigated.


Main Subjects

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