Barriers & processes of conduct in Manteqotteir of Attar

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical



Abstract: Manteqotteir is Attar’s unique masterpiece for declaring mystic journey and conduct. The work reports a collective spiritual journey to find the truth and to experience the perfection. The modern people who suffer from spiritual poverty and materiality overcome ,can participate in the journey to find meaning and truth. The birds are the symbols of wayfarers that intend to travel but they face some problems during the journey .Attar replies their excuses and pretexts with Hod Hod language and suggests proper solutions to overcome the problems .He goes along with them to trace the seven vadee to get to presence of the Hod Hod for finding out their truth..This essay analyses the barriers and problems of the spiritual journey and shows practical and applied solution to overcome those obstacles. To move collectively through responsible participation of all members and with the help of spiritual guide , the human beings engage in self-purification and prepare themselves to meet the friend and his union.


Main Subjects

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