Bridge over illustrations innovative, Rhetorical And Eidolon In poetry Khaghani

Document Type : Applied Research




Technical poem is one of the most difficult and most complex style of Persian poetry that was introduced in the sixth century. Khaghani si of the greatest poet of this style . One question that arises is that Khaghani What manner of rhetorical taken from advantage sciences and this what effect has on his poetry? Books and articles written on poetry style and difficulty of the Khaghani poems But because of the widespread the poems And varied themes and difficulty Khaghani poems still it is necessary that Researchers to pay investigation to resolve the complexity and the difficulty of his poetic . New research on the Khaghani and his poetry will help to readers would connect more with language and Khaghani poetry and will understand better them. Khaghani is used Of the imagination in particular ways to create amazing new illustrations in his poems. Although this innovation led to the complexity in his poems, but in terms of artistic and literary creation is very significant. In this article has been explained examples of the Khaghani poems , his rhetoric in poetry by providing And is reviewed in the Technical style of the great poet. In the following has Been investigated some of the difficulty of poetry And the causes of this complexity.


Main Subjects

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