analysis of rhetorical practices by declaring geography in shaanid sanai and badr chachi

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 payam nour ahvaz university/ahvaz/iran

2 payam nour ahvaz university/iran


Poets have used geographic declaration as a tool for theme-making and terms-creating. They has always created many beautiful poetry in their poems in various ways. Also, they have created various rhetorical practices with different methods. One of the methods to create poetic and rhetorical illustrations, is making use of geographical declarations. Sanaei and Badar Chachi are among the poets who have used these practices in their own ballades. In this research, it has been attempted to present a clear definition of rhetorical practices, declarations of geography in the ballades of Sanaei and Badr Chachi and to offer the frequency of each one. This research is analytical-descriptive and presented with a table. In total, the studied verses in sanaei’s ballades had the most frequency of use of these rhetorical technics is Mor’at-Nazir (Observing the correspondance). And Badar Chachi, in total, also has the highest frequency with his instrument of metaphors.


Main Subjects

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