Farhad Nameh: A dissimilar Tale of Shirin and Farhad

Document Type : Analytical and critical article




The story of Khosro and Shirin is one of the late Sassanid tales eras. The subject of that is the love play of Khosro Parviz, the 23rd king of this dynasty with Shirin. This story in the Islamic era has always been the source of poets and mythologists and has developed and changed.
Ferdowsi is the first poet who ordered the story of Khosrow's love story with Shirin in Shahnameh. After him, the story was arranged in a more skillful way, highlighting the richness of his story, which was underestimated in Shahnameh, as well as the introduction of Farhad and Shirin's story of love.
Almost two centuries after the Nezami, another unknown anonymous poet, Aref Ardebili, composed the love story of Farhad and Shirin, which was still among the people of Ganjeh and Sharvan, and called his "Farhadnameh". In this essay we are going to identify the aspects of the narrative differences in the Farhadamname system with Ferdowsi's Khosrow and Shirin and the Nezami through the analysis and analysis of the main characters of the story including Khosrow, Shirin and Farhad.


Main Subjects

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