The Intelligence of the Flower in the Paradigm of the Saeb Ghazaliat and the Emphasis on Mystical Literature

Document Type : Applied Research


1 Diversity in Symbolism as Stylistic Feature of the Poetry of Nima

2 university tehran farhangian


Flowers and plants have long been the source of fantasy and fantastic imagery and some of Iran's renowned poets, like Saeb, have created the most beautiful artistic and pictorial images of the cosmos. With all the breadth of the geography of the poets' environment And with all the differences that exist in terms of the natural situation in each region of the different areas of penetration of Persian poetry, The general color of the poems of nature is the same. The semantic and interpretive foundations of the mystics mix with the element of imagination and the creature approach. And always reflects on the mystical literature. The purpose of this study was to use the applied method, reasoning and rational analysis based on library studies. It is by expressing flowers and allegory in the poems of Saeb, the principles of mystical uniqueness, and reaching the angles of thinking in mystical literature. The authors are suggesting that mystical interpretations in the mirror of allegory in the Saab Ghazlat and meditating on his role in the role of the flower And expresses the secrets and hidden beliefs that Saeb enjoyed in explaining the descending appearances and intuitive ascensions; In fact, Saeb has depicted various types of mystical interpretations of flowers and its variants.


Main Subjects

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