Study At Archaism In Shamlu Poetry

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


Antiquity is one of the most important means of defamation in literary language. The use of the arctic language or the escape of the poet from the native language and the use of past language, which is not used today in standard language, is called anti-paradise. This research seeks to discuss Aristocracy in Shamlou's poem by descriptive-analytic method. For this purpose, after the preliminary discussions, the main topic in the five features of phonetic aristocracy (including discounts, exaggerations, abilities, additions and dwellings), lexical aristocracy (including nouns, adjectives and adverbs), current archetypes (including verbs Simple, prefabricated and compound), syntactic archetypal (Aristocracy in the use of letters such as meanings of the word, ...) with examples of Shamlo's poetry. The results of the research show that Shamloo is inherently unpardonable and sinister, and has made a special effort and dedication to the exit from the language criterion to escape from the constraints of the poetry. Using his literary ability, he developed his special style using his literary ability and gave his poetry a special distinction. In his poems, in addition to his linguistic features, he traced the past syntax and structure of the literary past Some aspects have benefited.


Main Subjects

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