Poem music of Sayeh "External music (rhythm) investigation of hushang Ebtehaj's poem"

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical



Poem music of Sayeh
"External music (rhythm) investigation of hushang Ebtehaj's poem"

Abstract: Hushang Ebtehaj, (H.E.Sayeh) is one of the greatest contemporary poets that his knowledge about music influenced him to pay attention more to music of his poem, which we can say that music is the chain of spine of his poem.
The most important appearance of poem music of sayeh which we can mention, is external music of his poem. Because the external music includes rhythm in poem and also the great accuracy of sayeh in selecting the very beautiful and hearable rhythms in his poem, In this article, the external music(rhythm) of sayeh's books, in both "tasian" and "siyahmashgh" has been studied comprehensively, which shows the conception and rhythm correspondingly. Ultimately, the related subject has been analyzed and for better description, the conclusion illustrated as figures and tables which expresses the application of rhythm in the poem.

Key words: hushang Ebtehaj, Contemporary poem, External music, Tasian, Siyahmashgh, Rhythm


Main Subjects

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