Aesthetic reflection of the Baroque school in Shiraz’ poem

Document Type : Applied Research


1 دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری

2 Hakim Sabzevari University


Hafez is one of the greatest poets in Persian literature that his intellectuals content of the precise nature of the creative and innovative mind and punctilious have proved him among the poets of Persian literature, so he is distinctive and outstanding. Since Ghazal is his main form in poem and its concepts and innovative ideas, is similar with Baroque school in Europe. Moreover, features as imitation,repeation, addressing issues of metaphysics, exploring the mysteries of the universe , dynamic and moving images, death, reflection, scene, take a chance, deconstruction , ambiguity, opacity entrepreneurship, freedom of belief, the paradox and struggle with the social ravages are of the elements of the Baroque school of poetry have reflected in poem’s Hafez. The aim of this article is exam of some features of Baroque school in poem’s Hafez .This question is important because basically stylistics believe that there are links between Indian-Esfahani poets and Baroque school, but can we find signs of relations between this school and Hafez? The subject of this article is to answer this question with doubt.


Main Subjects

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