stunts of creating amphiboly in sa,di,s sonnets on based on bugrande theory of phase apprach

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 iran,tehran,tehran, tehran university, literature College

2 Tehran university


stunts of creating amphiboly in sa,di,s sonnets on based on bugrande theory of phase apprach

Text linguistics is one of the modern and crucial theories of linguistics that has a great domain and its various branches have extended and increased its concept. One of the greatest scholars in this science, is Robert de bu Grande that one of the most important views of him is phase approach that focuses on the ways of recreating and understanding a text by a reader on based on some special elements and methods. Except it, the phase approach is a good way for analyzing different literal and poetic figures of speech and images in a text. This approach helps the reader to recreate and understand the text by 3 ways of cohesion, coherence and intertextuality. Producing amphiboly has a close relation with the coherence and cohesion. Producing amphiboly by the way of cohesion has 2 branches and by the way of coherence has 7 branches. The essay is going to study the various stunts of amphiboly in sa,di,s sonnets
on based on bugrande theory. The results show that from these components and branches, double dependent amphiboly and collocational metaphoric amphiboly, are the most frequent kinds of amphiboly and ambiguous amphiboly is the artiest kind of amphiboly in sa,di,s sonnets.

Key words: amphiboly, text linguistics, phase approach, bugrande, sa,di,s sonnets.


Main Subjects

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