Mystic attitude in Abd El-Hamed El deeb’s poems from the viewpoint of mystics ignorance’s age.

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


1 Student

2 Associate professor of arabic language


In periods ofliterary history including contemporary age,we're witness to the presence of the mystic poets in the Arabic literature that with their poems were heralded of wishes, and were the plaintiff of deprivation arose from the social system. Abd El-Hamed El-Deeb is among these poets to be considered. Checking what components caused works and the life of the poet to be called mystic contemporary, and whether his poetry has any adjacency with the pioneers of mystics ignorance period or not, are the most important objectives of this research which comes with the methods of descriptive analytical findings. It seems that unity and speaking of facts in the form of poem pieces, and factors such as the riots on deprivation of financial problems, and lack of social position in class system, self satisfaction, the nostalgia, and exile, the death in the way of forgiveness and freedom, are the basis of this nomenclature is deemed to be. Abd El-Hamed, unlike the ancients hasn't seek to show courage, defiance and remedy implantation, his poetry often puts satirize and mocking the key to his criticism and complaints.


Main Subjects

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