Survey of unverbal comunication in characterization of PEDAR story

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


1 Payam Noor university, Mashhad, Iran

2 Academic personnel, Payam Noor Uni, Mashhad, Iran


in art of story writing character has been introduced as one of the most basis elements of story. writers use direct and indirect methods in order to create story characters, that actions in sub category of indirect characterization, also includes unverbal behaviors.
Goli Taraghi is one of the first women of the storyteller in Iran, who was able to establish her own style in the field of works based on a strong personalization and the appearance of their mentalities and their internalities.
In this article, how to characterize the person by connecting the characters of the story using non-verbal behaviors that involves voluntary and non-verbal behaviors, based on the story of the father of the flower of the progression, has been studied and carefully considered. This study has shown that three different types of communication - flow, process, and transaction processing - can be distinguished through non-verbal behaviors among story characters that have played a significant role in the creation of characters, revealing their mood and emotions. In addition, non-verbal behaviors have a significant contribution to explaining the type of relationship between the characters and their relationship with the audience.


Main Subjects

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