Qur'anic intertextuality in the poems of Hamid Sabzevari and Shemilah Qasem التناص القرآنی فی اشعار حمید سبزواری و سمیح القاسم

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 Khoramabad university

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University Khoram Abad Unit


Qur'anic intertextuality inthepoems ofHamid Sabzevari and Samih al-Qasim

The sensibilityof the Qur'an,which is God’sterms,is aprofound and widespread subject in Persian and Arabic literature.Samih al-Qasim and Hamid Sabzevari inspired the Holy Quran in their poems.The present study is aimed to investigate the Qur'anic intertextuality in the poems of these two poets.This library-based study was performed by investigating the poems of the two poets.At first,the theoretical foundations of the research were designed and based on which the poems of the two poets were extracted and the necessary analysiswasperformed.Theresults showed that Sabzevari often used Holy Quran by translation, a resuitingand this method was mainly based oncreating the content or confirmation and emphasis as well as indicating further awareness andsensibility, and his inspiration by the Qur'an is more in comparisonwithSamih al-Qasim.In contrast, Samih al-Qasim used less holy Qur'anic verses than Hamid Sabzevari;however, this sensibilityis intermixed in his mind and soul,causing more"solved"sensibilityin him. Solvedsensibilityis one of those that are very invisible andinconspicuousin appearance;however, with a narrow view, one can understandhis profound sensibilityof the Holy Quran;Therefore,two poets have been inspired by the Qur'anic verses; although Sabzevarie'ssensibility is more hidden and mixed than SamihulQasim's.Thus, the creativity of Sabzevari in using God’s Words is less than that of Samih al-Qasimwith powerfulcreativity.Samih al-Qasim,in his sensibility,has overwhelmed and greatly reduced the adoption rate to minimal and in some cases to zerosince the Samih al-Qasim’s sensibilityis accompanied by recitativeand exquisite beauties as the best type of intertextuality called motivational intertextuality.
Keywords: Quran,Persian and Arabic Poetry,Intertextuality,Motivational Intertextuality,Hidden sensibility, Samih al-Qasim,and Sabzevari.


Main Subjects

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