Verbal Irony in Abu-Said's quotations

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Verbal Irony is one of the types of irony. Following study firstly aims to explain this rhetorical trope thoroughly to be able to distinguish between its traditional and modern definition. Secondly by applying this device, Abu-said's quotations are reexamined. It seems that Abu-Said takes issues with his contemporary Sufism. His disagreements with Sufism, revealed in Abu-Said’s words and deeds, might be considered ironically. This paper sets the stage for reexamining Abu-Said’s quotations in particular by the Verbal Irony.
in this way Wilson and Sperbers essay about Verbal Irony helps the author to classified all types of irony in Abu-Said's quotation while the author himself defined some other type of it and applied them too.this paper is the first research that is going to speak about to Abu-Saids Irony and reperesent him as an Ironic Sufi with Ironic quotations and deeds.
keywords: Verbal Irony, Ironical understatement, Ironical Overstatement, silence, Abu-said Abolkheir.


Main Subjects

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